Using Art!
Sparks for engagement across the curriculum
Learnerama is a big fan of using artwork as a stimulus.
Sparking enquiry
You might ask participants to think of their own questions or pose ones like the following:
- Who might they be?
- Where and when did this take place?
- What are they doing?
- Where are they going?
- What might they be thinking?
Sparks for drama
Create a whole group tableau to represent the painting.
What happens if we bring the scene to life using drama techniques to control and support?
What might the tableau look like if we fast forward 1 hour? 5 hours? 50 years? To today?
We can help you with bespoke planning, modelling and training to use the above and other techniques within a drama lesson as part of your enrichment curriculum.
Spotlight on: Role-on-the-Wall
Role-on-the-Wall asks participants to infer and deduce ideas about character and to place them on an outline.
‘In a gentle way, you can shake the world.’ Mahatma Gandhi
The following sparks are based on the book.