Message in a bottle
September 2020
Sparks for thinking & talking
Where did the bottle travel from?
For how long has it travelled?
Who wrote the message and why?
What is the message?
Who has found it? Why have they found it?
Sparks for drama
Create a series of still images (using social distancing)
to provide information about the writer and/or recipient.
Sparks for composition
Write a narrative based on your ideas.
What will be the genre?
Include the message within the text. Does it have a different
tone/style to the main narration?
Sparks for reading & the wider curriculum
If the writer was a character from fiction or a real person,
who could they be? What and why would they write? What about the recipient?
Which other texts does this setting and scenario remind you of?
October 2020
Reading an illustration
Create a tableau/still image (using social distancing)
of the above or use another illustration.
August 2020
What type of door does this key belong to? Close your ideas and visualise it. Try to ’see’ the colour and shape.