Book Moments this World Book Day
March 2021
Sparks for thinking, talking and drama
The following idea can be based on a shared class text or one chosen by the children.
Ask groups or individuals to create tableau(x) or still images of either:
- the most important moment in the story
- 3 key moments
or - simply a part that they enjoyed/found memorable
Enjoy exploring and discussing these moments.
We would love for you to share any of your book ‘moments’ on Twitter by tagging us in to
@learnerama @WorldBookDayUk and using the hashtags: #LearneramaTableauxChallenge
February 2021
Good or bad?
Linking into our January Creative Spark, discuss the typical stock characters in traditional/fairy tales.
January 2021
Panto Season!
They’re behind you!
Discuss the typical stock characters in pantomimes.
Which ones might we consider villains or heroes?