Why use drama?
We believe that drama is both an art form and an impactful pedagogical tool to enrich the whole curriculum and motivate learning.
Historically, drama as pedagogy has been given little status within Initial Teacher Training and CPD, and research evidence shows that many teachers are not confident in using it.
Reasons that schools should use drama include:
- At the heart of drama experience is the human experience. Drama can help participants to develop positive behaviour, respect for others, the challenge of stereotypes, human rights and citizenship.
- Drama can have long term impact on classroom practice and pupil progress including the development of creative, imaginative and critical thinking skills.
- Learning through drama is an inclusive approach that inspires diverse learners and fosters collaborative and co-operative learning and decision making.
- Drama experiences and approaches enrich the curriculum and can develop the cultural capital of participants.
- Drama can provide the framework to challenge and motivate learners and encourage memorable learning.
- Learning through drama can promote personal development and positive mental health and well-being, helping children to develop confidence and resilience.
- Drama provides authentic opportunities to develop all aspects of English/language in purposeful contexts. This motivates learners, widens vocabulary and promotes reading and writing for pleasure and purpose.
- Learning through drama can provide powerful cross-curricular learning opportunities to explore and enhance ideas, skills, knowledge, themes and issues across a broad and balanced curriculum.
- At the heart of drama is playful discovery learning. This constructivist and child-centred approach can develop intrinsic motivation and meaningful learning experiences.
The Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) (DfE, 2019) encourages a greater emphasis on the wider curriculum, memorable learning, knowledge and enrichment.
The arts, including drama, have been given a very strong focus within the next Welsh Curriculum. Schools are expected to have this fully implemented by 2022.