Free resources
The Flower Boy by Keith Campion
Illustrated by Catherine King
Aimed at Y5 or Y6, the unit explores many of the book’s themes including transition to Y7 and dementia.
The plan is endorsed by the author himself.
It is designed to support English, History and PSHE.
Drama toolkit
We have listed some of the main drama techniques used. There are many more and numerous variations, links and extensions to explore.
All of the techniques can be used or adapted for social distancing.
The Last Post by Keith Campion
Illustrated by Jake Biggin
Aimed at Y5 or Y6, the unit explores this ‘poignant short story of love, hope and legacy during the First World War’. The plan is endorsed by the author himself.
It is designed to support English, History & PSHE, linking well to Armistice Day as well as the run up to Christmas.
The Christmas Truce
by Hilary Robinson & Mark Impey
This unit focuses on the key event from WW1 and is ideal for the run-up to Christmas to support both English, History & PSHE (Y1-6)
Iron man by Ted Hughes
Aimed at Y3 and adaptable for Y2. It supports immersion and engagement with the text to develop reading comprehension and purposeful writing opportunities.
Planning focused on positive mental health
The following KS1 & 2 drama plan is based on the
wonderful picture book Everybody Counts by Kristin Roskifte (Wide Eyed Editions, 2020)
We have carefully considered aspects from the think piece A Recovery Curriculum and advice from mental health organisations to support our approaches.
The following KS2 (adaptable for KS3) drama plan is also based on Everybody Counts.
This sequence explores the potential impact of Lockdown on individual members of a community and could support your pupils as they deal with their experiences.
These links will be useful when planning for a Recovery Curriculum
This padlet has a wealth of resources and sign posts to support settings in preparing for pupils returning to school. Created by Jennifer Holder of Liverpool Learning Partnership and very applicable nation-wide…
Learnerama presents…
During Lockdown, guest illustrators from the young to the not so young from across the globe, have had a real purpose and audience for illustrating texts.